Monday, February 20, 2012

An Ice Blood Phoenix

My hands are empty
Awaiting fulfillment
My head is blizzards
Awaiting global warming

The ice in my bones
In Hollywood slow motion

My reality becomes a twist of fate
This child, with these skills
Will have these hardships to face
It will make him frozen in chills
But in ice we will find perfection

Thursday, January 26, 2012

With Love We Will Conquer The Dark Matter That Divides Us

We're jetting off to the moon
To stand with the stars
No matter how far
With a kiss as rocket jets
And the music as our lunar steps
We're jetting off to the moon

We'll try this atmosphere on for size
Forgetting all of our worldly lies
We will dance on auroras, you and I
Radiation burning each other into our eyes
We'll try this atmosphere on for size

Until we sink back to the our dirt filled womb
You and I, hand in hand, tomb beside tomb
There will be no darkness all thanks to you
The flowers on our grave will be love in full bloom
But only after we conquer the stars, the moon

The Horoscope Of A Drug Dealer

Failure found me trying to succeed
I knew I'd get caught in this blaspheme
But still I pushed my guts out to the world
To teach everyone about my love for this curse

I pound the audience with a checklist
Of all the sins I have committed
Methamphetamine poetry

You will inject these words into your blackened veins
And I promise you that you will never feel the same
You will feel the twitches of my heaviest addiction
This wound I give you is my deepest affliction

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Band Of Thieves

A band of thieves came to steal you from me
To break into my heart without a pick or key
Shattering all of the affects I had for you
All the emotions and desires they removed
I cannot be born again with all of them
Only a subset of my population

But I come back early and saw the thieves
In anger and confusion I called the police
But when they make it to my house
They say they can't do anything
About crimes of the heart